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You could be in the new Girl Scouts of Colorado TV commercial

GSCO blog

Girl Scouts of Colorado is excited to partner with CBS4-KCNC TV to produce a GSCO commercial and YOU could be in it! Enter to win by submitting a short video using this form  of yourself answering the prompts “I love Girl Scouts because …” and “I’m a tough cookie because….” Please keep your answers for each prompt to no more than 10 seconds.

Clips from several Girl Scouts will be chosen for the final commercial that will air on CBS in Denver, Grand Junction, and Colorado Springs in late January through mid-March. The deadline to enter is 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 11, 2020.

Here’s an example video by Morgan at CBS4:

Helpful tips:

  1. Think about what you plan to say before shooting. No need to write a long script, just speak from your heart. And remember to try to keep each of your answers to just 10 seconds.

  2. Remember this is for TV. Wear your sash or vest or other Girl Scout apparel.

  3. Shoot horizontal, not vertical. Recording your video on a smart phone is totally fine. Just hold it (or have someone else hold it or set it in a phone stand) sideways.

  4. Turn lights on, don’t shoot in a dark room. It helps to be facing a window (be sure you don’t have your back to the window).

  5. Talk directly to the camera for good audio. Speak clearly and don’t forget to smile!

  6. No music or background noise.

  7. Make sure your message is clear.

Submitting your video clip:

Use this form to submit your video. You’ll fill in your name and contact information and a caregiver will need to sign off that it’s OK for you to enter the contest.

  1. If you have a photo of yourself in your Girl Scout uniform or doing a Girl Scout activity, please upload that as well (there’s a spot on the form).

  2. Depending on your internet connection, it might take a minute for the file to upload and the form to submit. Don’t navigate away from that page until you see ‘Success! We’ve received your video’ message.

  3. If you have technical difficulties when submitting your video clip, reach out to

Note: This contest is open to girls in grades K-12 with a current Girl Scouts of Colorado membership (the Girl Scout membership year began Oct. 1, 2020). This contest is not open to Girl Scouts who are members in other councils, are non-renewed Girl Scouts of Colorado members, or adult Girl Scouts.

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