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Women's Week at MMR set for July

GSCO blog

Updated: Feb 26

Women’s Week at Meadow Mountain Ranch is an outpouring of ideas from the 2011 MMR 60th Anniversary Reunion, where several women expressed the idea that friends of MMR should be able to get together in the Colorado High Country to sing, play, hike, cook and generally have fun like we did in the days when we were lots younger and remembered all the fun we had as campers and staff at Girl Scout camps all across the country.

In the past few years, we have featured such themes as “History of MMR,” “Toys and Games at Camp” and many others, including crafts, story-telling, short or long hikes,  sing-alongs and the Big Circle Tour of camp.  It’s exciting to tell everyone that the new Zipline is available to us this year.   This year, a more general program we’re calling “The Sky’s The Limit” means just that!  We have the run of the entire camp for our event, and participants can plan their own activities throughout the weekend.

Dates are July 24 - 28, 2025 with the first meal being Thursday lunch and the last meal of Monday brunch.  The cost is $300.00 for the entire event or $80.00 for any 3-meal part-time option. Some financial aid may be available.  

Registration is now open!  Download the flier.

  More information about housing, meals, etc. is included on that flier, including contact information for the Very Informal Camp Director, Penny “Pan” Roberts.

All women aged 18 or older are welcome, so bring your family, co-workers, friends, old Girl Scout alums - - - some of the most fun is had by multi-generational gals with daughters, grand-daughters, nieces, etc.  Our ladies come from all over the country, from Maine to Washington, California, Texas, Hawaii.  You don’t have to be a member of Girl Scouts or ever have been to camp before.  We guarantee you will have a fantastic adventure!

Our food is always beyond excellent !!  We can cook in the lodge or out in the units as much as we can.  Our master food service ladies have been doing this event for quite a few years, with the beginning including an older girl troop who was earning money to travel to World Centers.  They will be completing their excursions this year with a visit to Sangam in India. There is no shortage of nutritious, nostalgic and other special foods, including plenty of fresh fruits and veggies.

Peace and quiet or as much noise as you’d like will help you immerse yourself in the hills, meadows, grasses, flowers, trees and Colorado blue skies and puffy clouds. It’s a true balm for the soul.  Comradeship, freedom, remembrances of times past and maybe even some learning and growing will happen, we guarantee it!  Hope to see you name on our roster very soon.

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