Submitted by Megan Cook
Pikes Peak
Colorado Springs
We stayed at Twisted Pine Lodge for our cookie rally this year. We were so happy to have the lodge that was warm. We learned at our cookie rally that because we sell cookies, Girl Scouts of Colorado can offer locations like this to troops for very reasonable rates. Because we had a location like Twisted Pine to stay at, we were able to go as a troop to the Ice Castle in Dillon. It was a long drive from Colorado Springs and being able to stay halfway helped our parent volunteers not have to drive both ways in one day. It was a long drive.
The Ice Castle was so much fun. We had a tour by the manager, who was a Girl Scout alum. She showed us the features of the castle and told us how it was made. We played in the caves and on the slides. We played until we were too cold to stay any longer. Because we sold cookies, we as a troop paid for this entire trip for 20 girls.
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