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Troop 30222 from Pueblo earns Bronze Award

GSCO blog

Pueblo Girl Scouts earn Highest Awards

Seven Girl Scouts from Junior Troop 30222 in Pueblo will accept the Bronze Award, the Highest Award a Girl Scout Junior can earn, for their work to collect about a hundred packages of socks and underwear for families served by the Pueblo Cooperative Care Center. In order to collect these items, girls enlisted the help of their classmates at Morton Elementary School. They challenged all of the classrooms to collect the most socks and underwear. The girls treated the winning classroom to a root beer float party.

The troop will officially accept their award at the Highest Awards celebration on Friday, April 22 at 6 p.m. at the Center for American Values (101 S. Main St. #100, Pueblo). They will join dozens of other Girl Scouts and troops from across southeastern Colorado who have earned their Bronze and Silver Awards.

The young ladies, who will be accepting these awards, have demonstrated exceptional commitment to taking action to make the world a better place through their community service. Their accomplishments reflect extraordinary leadership and citizenship skills that mark them as valuable contributors to their communities and world.

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