Submitted by Jessica Gentilini
Mountain Communities
Girl Scout Cadettes Hailey Gentilini and Olivia Ferzacca from Service Unit 5 (Mountain Communities) recently completed their Program Aide (PA) hours by teaching brand-new Brownie Troop 56349 the Girl Scout Promise and Law and how they relate to us as Girl Scouts. They read the Brownie story and each girl got to take a turn identifying who the Brownie in the reflection was. After the story, the girls learned the Brownie Smile song, made a SWAP, and passed the silent hand-squeeze wish around the circle before twisting around and departing from their first meeting. As Olivia and Hailey reflected on how they thought they did, which was awesome by the way, they both thought working with the Brownies was the most fun ever and can’t wait to plan and run an event for more girls!
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