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The CELL’s Virtual 365 Series: Radicalization and Violent Extremism Today

GSCO blog

Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors are invited to attend The CELL’S Virtual 365 National Security Event Series: Radicalization and Violent Extremist Today on Thursday, February 4, 2021 from 4 – 4:45 p.m. This program session is for Girl Scouts in grades 9-12 only. Girl Scouts from outside Colorado are welcome to participate.

Register now: Registration will close Thursday, January 28 OR when capacity is met.

The Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (CELL) is dedicated to the prevention of terrorism through education, empowerment, and engagement. As a nonprofit, non-partisan institution, its exhibit, speaker series, and training initiatives provide a comprehensive look at the threat of terrorism and how individuals can play a role in the prevention of terrorism, ultimately enhancing public safety.

This program has been adapted specifically for virtual learning. A CELL educator will take girls through a lesson and they will hear from Jesse Morton, former Al-Qaeda propagandist, and Christian Picciolini, a former white supremacist. Their remarkable stories will address:

  1. Violent extremist threat today

  2. Who is vulnerable to radicalization and why

  3. Ways to recognize and help prevent extremist recruitment tactics

Information on how to join the program online will be included in your confirmation email.

This program will be available to watch as a recording for one week after the program date. If interested in watching, please register and use the information provided in the confirmation email to watch the recording. The recording will not be available to those who do not register and will not be available past February 11.

Questions? Email

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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