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Support Girl Scouts at Open-Air Market

GSCO blog

Submitted by Bree Dulaney

Metro Denver


Please support the Cadettes of Girl Scout Troop 61608 at their Open-Air Market on Saturday, May 15, 2021 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The Market will be held in the east parking lot of Lois Lenski Elementary School (6350 S. Fairfax Way, Centennial 80121). The Cadettes will be selling handmade items, baked goods, plant seedlings, and more in order to raise funds for their first camping trip that’s scheduled to take place this summer. The market is free to attend and is open to everyone!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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