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Superpowered superhero camp

GSCO blog

Submitted by Carolyn Decker

Northern & Northeastern CO



Join us for a superpowered, superhero camp!

The Seniors of Troop 78527 are hosting an adventurous superhero camp for Brownies and Juniors. This camp is all about discovering what you are capable of and how to achieve it. There will be tons of fun games and activities, where each girl will discover her superpowers and learn to use them. She’ll get a chance to learn how to fight evil and get all kinds of creative with her secret identity. She will create her own jewelry with sparkling stones that represent her superpowers. Girls will also design their own mini-sidekick and flowing cape to wear to supercharge their fight for good.

Girls will get to enjoy camping with their troop in heated cabins, eat delicious food provided by Tomahawk Ranch, and have a super time having fun with older girls. Troop leaders can relax because all the activities will be planned and led by Senior Girl Scouts. What a great way to have your troop experience camping for the first time! Non-Girl Scout friends are welcome to join too.

Where: Tomahawk Ranch Girl Scout Camp near Bailey Colorado southwest of Denver When: Friday, October 4 to Sunday, October 6, 2017 Arrive beginning at 5 p.m. on Friday for dinner and the start of all the fun festivities. Depart at 10 a.m. on Sunday.

The deadline for registration is September 2, 2017. Please look on the GSCO event page for the registration form and flyer. Use superhero as a keyword!

Girls must attend with adults at the Girl Scout adult to girl ratios. The camp costs $100 for each girl attending and $55 for each adult. (Adults over safety-wise ratios must pay $100) Cost includes activities, lodging, five meals and snacks, and a Superhero fun patch.

Questions? Please contact Maria Cross at or at 703-597-6188.

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