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Start locally, connect globally with the Global Action Team

In Estes Park, I watched a Girl Scout sit in the saddle, holding the reins, with a smile that stretched from ear to ear. Before that exact moment, she was scared to ride a horse. I encouraged a young woman as she hesitantly launched her kayak into Lake Arenal with the volcano as a stunning Costa Rican backdrop. One hour later, the same hesitant Girl Scout was swimming, splashing, and laughing with her sister scouts. We started traveling as a troop first with local field trips, then throughout Colorado, and finally our girls had gained the capacity to travel outside the United States. I witnessed girls learning and growing through these experiences, building courage, confidence, and character. Travel can set the stage for these meaningful moments, but you don’t have to travel to connect to resources that foster a global citizen mindset for scouts. You already have access to a whole world of cross-cultural learning opportunities through WAGGGS!

Four years ago, another troop leader mentioned WAGGGS and I thought she was speaking a foreign language. I had been a troop leader for seven years and was very familiar with GSCO. As a troop, we completed badges, dove into journeys, and connected with our local community. What was this WAGGGS word she spoke of? The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) unites 153 countries and ten million young women around the globe, empowering them to discover, connect, and take action. I had no idea!

Fast forward to last month when I returned from one of the five World Centers, Nuestra Cabaña, which is in Cuernavaca, Mexico. I am already planning to return with my troop! The other four World Centres are located in India, Switzerland, Africa (a traveling center), and Great Britain. The trip was through GSCO, offering the opportunity to learn more about Global Girl Scouting. Boy, did I! WAGGGS offers a wealth of programming that connects to global issues including Surf Smart (digital education), Free Being Me (self-confidence and body image), and Girl-led Climate Change (global advocacy for our natural world) among others found here at Campfire. The programming takes a deep dive into these topics among others and is supported by leader training. There is a world of possibilities waiting for your scouts (and YOU!).

I am proud to be a Girl Scout leader. Being a troop leader is a powerful way to create a positive impact in my community. Now I understand that my local leadership can also have a worldwide impact. In this fast-paced, connected world, we need global citizens more than ever before. I encourage you to explore the opportunities that await you and your scouts through Global Girl Scouting. The Global Action Team can help you get started at

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