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“Space Science Investigator” badge night for Juniors

GSCO blog

Submitted by Marcy Kendall

Northern & Northeastern CO


Girl Scout Juniors are welcome to join Troops 72418 and 73010 to earn their “Space Science Investigator” badge on Friday, October 4, 2019 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Fiske Planetarium (2414 Regent Drive. Boulder 80309). Cost is $12/girl. You must register by October 1. Space is limited!

All five steps will be available, so girls can earn the badge. The first step of the badge is a scale model. This starts OUTSIDE the planetarium and the leader/parent needs to do the walk with the girl(s). That is  NOT done by the volunteers at the planetarium.

The time is 4:30-6:30 p.m. and includes a show specifically for the Girl Scouts to earn their badge.

What’s included:

  1. Dinner: pizza, veggies, and fruit

  2. “Bake” your own spacecraft

  3. Make a spectrometer

  4. Planetarium show

  5. Ball Aerospace engineer volunteers

What’s NOT included:

  1. The “Space Science Investigator” badge itself – (can be added on separately)

  2. Beverage: Bring your own water bottle

  3. Enough volunteers to walk with your girls on the scale model (done before or after other stations with parents/leaders who brought the girls). This step is to be done by girls with their leaders/adults either before 4:30 or after the planetarium show. Directions for the scale walk will be provided to adults before the date.

Questions? Please email Marcy Kendall at

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