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Skate City Party in Colorado Springs

Rose Rundell

Please join us for our annual Girl Scout Skate City party (two dates to choose from).

We are celebrating surviving cookie season! This party is open to all Girl Scouts, leaders, friends and family. Post your troop number and how many people will be skating. We will give a cupcake to all the paid skaters.

The cost is $7 for admission and $4 for a skate rental (if needed). Please pay at the door. Non-skaters are FREE! Patches are $2.50. Prepay only before March 5. You can pay through PayPal or send a check. If you pay through PayPal, email by March 5. You must pay me "as a friend" so I get the full amount due. There will be a fee if you use a credit card.

We love to see our Girl Scouts, so don't forget to wear your Girl Scout swag. Questions? Email Rose at Please update numbers and RSVP by April 9 so we can order cupcakes. Thank you!

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