Submitted by Lori Major
Northern & Northeastern CO
Natalie, Gracie, and Cate are from Troop 74087 in Berthoud and they felt that their school needed to feel more welcoming. So, they created inspirational quotes to put around their school. With the help of Berthoud citizens, the girls were able to make the quotes more professional looking. Throughout the process of creating the quotes, they ran into some difficulties, but were able to overcome them. Along the way, they learned how to use the Girl Scout Law and come together as a team. For this project to be sustainable, they are passing on the murals and knowledge to the troops coming into the middle school, so they are able to take care of the projects they already did. The girls had to persevere through the four to five-hour long days to be able to complete their project.
The Silver Award that we chose needed a lot of patience and focus to complete in the year we did it. We gained teamwork and learned how to cooperate with your teammates. Cate learned how to make phone calls. Natalie learned how to speak and communicate with figures of authority, send emails, and budget our money. Gracie wrote our script for the phone calls. The project will stay up as long as other troops take care of it. We made a connection between teachers and learned the complications of putting up a mural.
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.