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SHR Fall Olympics Rendezvous – camp with your troop!

GSCO blog

Each year, Girl Scouts of Colorado summer camps host several programs for troops and families. One of those is called a Rendezvous. A Rendezvous is a weekend troop camp at one of our overnight camps (Sky High Ranch or Tomahawk Ranch) where an older troop learns valuable leadership skills while leading camp activities for younger troops. This Rendezvous is your next Troop Camp opportunity:

Sky High Ranch Fall Olympics September 30 6pm through October 2 11am (Friday dinner through Sunday  brunch)

“Welcome to the Sky High Ranch Fall Olympics Rendezvous! Girls and adults will be divided into 5 countries representing each of the 5 Olympic rings. There will be opening and closing ceremonies, an Olympic torch, medals and other Olympic traditions. The activities will include various summer and winter Olympic sports, often modified in silly and unusual ways. Because this Rendezvous is in late September, the weather is difficult to predict. SHR is a rustic facility so please be prepared to share a cabin with another troop and dress for the weather!”

Register now for this exciting event!

All troops in attendance must have two unrelated adult Girl Scout volunteer approved chaperones. One adult must have attended Overnight Training, and one must have current CPR and First Aid certifications.

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