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Shower House Dedicated at Meadow Mountain Ranch

Zoe Gillespie

The Bakers, three Generations of Service!

The memorial plaque that Linda and Susan Baker placed on the shower house at Meadow Mountain Ranch in October, to commemorate their family’s support of the camp, is just one example of their Girl Scout milestones and service. The journey began in Texas where their mother and grandmother Virginia Baker was a troop leader for daughter Susan's Brownie troop for four years, Day Camp Director for two years, and advisor for the Senior Girl Planning Board of the Tejas Council in Texas. Virginia also served as a chaperone to Our Cabãna in Mexico for over 30 girls in 1968.

Susan Baker continued her mother’s legacy here in Colorado by leading a troop for 17 years, starting when daughter Linda was in first grade. She kept that troop going for the younger siblings of that original group and inspired 12 of those girls to become Lifetime GSUSA members. She has had many leadership roles including serving as a member of the Board Governance Committee, as a Delegate to the National Convention and as a Council Trainer for 20 years. She led the effort to merge the outdoor adult curriculum when five separate councils became Girl Scouts of Colorado. GSUSA awarded Susan the Honor Pin, and the Thanks Badges, I & II.

Linda Baker was chosen as one of “Generation WOW!” --a group of one hundred girls from Colorado selected on the Girl Scout 100th anniversary….as a leader for the next generation. Her personal journey exemplifies “Courage, Confidence, and Character,’ overcoming learning disabilities to achieve a 4.0 GPA, and excellence in STEM. She competed and won awards in the FIRST Robotics and VEX Robotics organizations. She completed her Gold Award for attracting other girls to follow her in STEM, and she continues to contribute today through her role in the industry.

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