Sign up for another Girl Scout year full of new adventures starting on April 1!
Membership Product Discounts
Special “flash discount day”. All members renewed on April 4 receive 50% discount on renewal membership (discount applied with the use of discount code SPRING50)
Early Bird Incentive Girl Level Incentive
Early Bird Patch. All girls renewed by June 15 will receive an Early Bird patch – delivered to troop leaders at SU meetings in August.
Troop Level Incentive
Troops that renew at least two unrelated Troop Leadership Team (troop volunteer agreement signed) members and 75% of their girls (minimum 3) will earn a $25 shop credit for your troop.
Note: All participating troops meeting basic Early Bird requirements, completing their Annual Troop Report, and submitting their MY25 ACH (includes 2 renewed bank signers with BASA) by June 15.
Service Unit Level Incentive
Achieve 60% retention by June 15 will earn $100 + $0.25/renewed girl for their Service Unit.
Note: Service Units must submit their ATR and MY25 ACH by June 15 to receive incentive prizes.