Submitted by Ariella Wells
Northern & Northeastern CO
Fort Collins
Attention Daisy troops! Are you looking to earn your “Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout” petal in just one day? If so, we have an easy and no stress way for you to do just that. Let some older Girl Scouts do the work of leading. There are two options:
March 22, 2020 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the McKee 4H building
April 26, 2020 from 2 to 4 the McKee 4H building
Cost is only $10 per girl. Badge is not included as this comes in a set. Use this link to register:–urUpzFk2S23g-qwpiI Space is limited so register early!
Hope to see you there! Confirmation email will come to you within a week of sending out your registration. If you don’t see one, check in with us. The girl in charge of emails is extremely prompt and sends them out the same day that payments come in.
Thank you and we hope to see you there!
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