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Night Ninjas at Sky High Ranch

GSCO blog


Sky High Night Ninjas are legends in their own right! These Juniors practice being stealthy at night by sleeping in during the day and practice their nocturnal skills when the sun goes down. At the end of their week, these girls will have mastered the art of “Glow in the Dark Archery”, navigating by the stars and learning basic self-defense moves.

In addition to night hikes and wolf howling, girls will learn about nocturnal animals and how they are able to thrive without light. Campers will create their own “cat-eye vision” and hike through camp at night, experiencing what it is like to slip through the forest unseen by all! Campers will practice using all their senses. This may include team building with blind folds on the low ropes course, a scratch and sniff hike, or maybe even a Tasty Treat Challenge!

Like nocturnal animals, Night Ninjas sleep in during the day and have a late breakfast as they readjust to life in the sun. Not everything can be done in the dark, so our sneaky stargazers will get a chance to play with the rest of the camp at the pond, the farm, and everything else Sky High has to offer. Their days (and nights) will be jam-packed with awesome activities designed to be FUN, and also, maybe a little educational.

Campers interested in this camp should be comfortable in the dark (even though we will have flashlights!) and able to adjust to staying up late and sleeping in in the mornings.

SH155 Night Ninjas 6/19-6/24, Junior: Our night ninjas are known for their camp stealth and adventure! Try your hand at Glow in the Dark Archery, Sleep-in Breakfasts, and Star Gazing. “You didn’t see anything…!” There will be time for general activities too. This camp does not include zip line.

Register now for Girl Scout Camp! Review camp sessions. Reserve a Girl Scouts of Colorado Property for your troop/group! Check out Travel Opportunities for Girl Scouts! Pay camp balances with CampInTouch, with a Cookie Credit Card or a Gift Card prior to April 30 to lock in Early Bird Pricing!

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