Meadow Mountain Ranch's (MMR) new zipline is over 10 years in the making.
The GECCCOs (Girls Experiencing Camping, Canoeing and Cycling Outdoors) is a Northern Colorado-based troop focusing on adventures and trips outdoors. Taite Pugh was a former member of the GECCCOs who had special needs and epilepsy and passed away in 2011. While in Girl Scouts, one of Taite’s favorite activities was ziplining, which she did on an international trip with her troop in Costa Rica. After Taite passed, the GECCCOs decided they wanted to do something to honor her, and began raising funds for an accessible zipline at MMR, where their troop would camp every year.

Now, after more than 10 years and tens of thousands of dollars raised, MMR's new accessible zipline is opening! The GECCCOs raised over $66,000 toward the total cost to build the zipline, 23% of the total cost. Staff are being trained to run it for troop camps toward the end of this summer, and it will be an optional add-on for troop reservations starting in the summer of 2025.

"I'm not going to lie, it brings tears to my eyes to know that the Taite zipline will be an integral part of activities for future [Girl] Scouts of all abilities up at MMR," Taite's mom, Cheryl McDonald-Pugh said. "Hopefully people will learn that Taite had a spirit of adventure and a positive effect on so many others even though she was special needs."

Taite's former troop leader Jean Beucler and her daughter Anna Beucler, Taite's former troopmate, were able to visit MMR and take a ride on the new zipline.
"Taite taught us a lot," Jean said. "[I feel] privileged to have been able to share this journey with these extraordinary, compassionate young women and their supportive families."