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New tools for Daisy leaders created by Cadettes for Silver Award

GSCO blog

Submitted by Jennifer Morris


Denver Metro

Are you starting a new Daisy troop? Do you need some ideas for meetings?

Seventh grade Cadette Girl Scouts from Parker Colorado Troop 2851, worked on their Silver Award project. Chloee and Emmy, organized videos reading Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden, a Daisy Journey book. Also, they created a Pinterest board containing the boards: Daisy Meetings, Games, Daisy Start up Activity, Songs, Crafts, Journeys, Swaps, and Snack Ideas, to help Daisy Leaders with meetings. Also this project is sustainable because the videos are easily accessible as they’re on YouTube and Pinterest. This helps new Daisy Troop leaders to continue years of Girl Scouts. New leaders can use this information to begin their own troops. The Pinterest board helps them by giving the leaders Journey program planning, meeting ideas, and activities. The YouTube channel has Chloee and Emmy narrating the Daisy book stories so the leaders can prepare the next activity.

Check out our YouTube channel and Pinterest Board below.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

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