The progressive Girl Scout Recruiter Patch Program is for Girl Scouts of all levels that are out in their community sharing with others what Girl Scouts is all about!
This patch includes four components, called rockers, to earn as you build your public speaking skills, host events to influence new members to join, and support other recruiters.
Be an Influencer by honing your public speaking skills and raising awareness.
A Star Recruiter takes actions and spreads the word about local recruitment activities.
Become an Expert Recruiter by hosting an event or helping launch a new troop.
A Captain takes what they have learned to train and support other recruiters!
To earn each rocker, complete the required activity and at least one optional activity. Request you patch here. View the flyer for more details of rocker requirements and how to submit the form to have your patch and rockers sent to you. Completion of activities must be verified by an adult.
Have a question? Check the FAQs or view the program flier.