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Monument girl earns Bronze with Fourth of July float

GSCO blog


Submitted by

Melissa Hinton


To earn Bronze Award, the highest award a Junior Girl Scout can earn, Haley Henderson, an incoming 5th grade Junior from Troop 43107 in Monument planned and implemented the Girl Scout float in the Monument 4th of July parade.

Haley is from a military family and knew she would be moving to Arkansas this summer but she really wanted to earn Bronze Award with her beloved Colorado troop so she volunteered to do the 4th of July float. Haley’s father serves in the Air Force and after Haley volunteered he got his final transfer orders; he had to report to his new job 7/7/14. Haley’s family lived in their camper for over a month and left town shortly after the parade ended for the long trip to Arkansas.

Haley approached local businesses for the use of a trailer for the float. She designed and made the decorations, shopped for supplies, came up with a craft for the girls to do while waiting, filled out the parade application form and sent multiple emails to our local service unit to ask for volunteers to walk in the parade.

We had 22 Daisy, Brownie, Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts participate in the 2014 parade, all singing camp songs and handing out candy and little bears. A fun time was had by all! Haley (and her family) earned Bronze Award with courage, confidence, and character by stepping up to represent Girl Scouts in the community while making personal sacrifices along the way. –Melissa Hinton, Troop Leader (Troop 3107)

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