May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise the awareness of those living with mental or behavioral health issues, and help reduce the stigma that so many of our Girl Scouts and community members experience. Girl Scouts of Colorado has partnered with subject matter experts to develop new programs and resources to help you and your Girl Scouts reduce the stigma surrounding mental health. See the resources below and stay tuned for more programs for both adult volunteers and girl members coming in Fall 2021.
Conversation Starter: Speak Out About Mental Health
Earlier this month, we spoke with Debra Boeldt, deputy director at the National Mental Health Innovation Center at University of Colorado’s Medical Campus. In this important conversation, we learned what new approaches there are in the mental health world and some tips to speaking about our own mental health while helping youth in our lives do the same.
Watch this conversation:
Mental Health Awareness through a Girl Scout Lens
Another way to start talking about mental health is through activities in our National Program Portfolio. We have compiled activities for each program level that can be found in our badges and Journeys. Don’t worry if your Girl Scout already earned the badge or Journey, the activities are great on their own!
Research from GSUSA’s Research Institute
Deepen your understanding of the current state of our Girl Scouts by reviewing the Girl Scout Research Institutes 2020 report.
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.