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Longmont troop honors teachers for Hometown Heroes

Home Town Hero 2016

Submitted by Leanne Coker


Northern and Northeastern Colorado

This year, Troop 71724 picked the teachers and staff at their school as their Hometown Hero.  Each year, we try to have the girls pick a different group of people that do things for the community but that are overlooked sometimes.  They came up with a lot of great ideas and we talked about each one of them.

 When it came time to make a decision, it was unanimous that the teachers and staff would be their Hometown Hero.  But to make it a little more fun, it was decided to keep it a secret until it was time to make their delivery.  The school principal was contacted to make sure it was okay and to let her know we wanted to keep it under wraps.  Then as the girls sold cookies and customers would donate their change or just give the girls money, it was added to an ever-growing tally.  

Some girls came up with just a cute little smile and jazz hands that made customers turn around and either purchase cookies or make a donation.  One girl even used her own money to help purchase cookies for the Hometown Heroes.  By the time our cookie sales were all over, we had 256 boxes of cookies to deliver to our Hometown Heroes!  

On March 16th, the teachers were asked to meet over in Benedict Hall.  The cookies were on a table and we joked about purchasing cookies.  Once everyone that could attend had arrived, we explained that the girls had selected them as their Hometown Hero for this year’s cookie season.  The teachers were given a bag and told to pick out 6 boxes of cookies to take home.  These girls did an amazing job and I am extremely proud of all of them and their parents!

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

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