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Listen now – Meet an Expert: 9-1-1 Center Manager

GSCO blog

Girl Scouts of Colorado thanks Jennifer Kirkland, 9-1-1 Center Manager at the Grand Junction Regional Communications Center, for participating in our Meet an Expert program on January 28, 2021. More than 40 Girl Scouts from across the United States joined live. Jennifer told the girls about her career and previous experiences that led her to be a 9-1-1 center manager. She gave girls a live tour of the communications center and answered tons of awesome questions.

During this program girls learned how 9-1-1 calls are received, how emergency response teams are dispatched, and what the training program looks like to work in the emergency communications center. In addition to her presentation and live tour, Jennifer played a recording of a real 9-1-1 call for the girls, so they could hear an example of the kinds of calls the center receives. Girls were also able to ask Jennifer questions live and they asked questions about the training program, the most stressful and interesting calls Jennifer has received, and more details about the training program.

Girl Scouts who participated in the live session or listen to the recording can purchase their “Meet an Expert” patch online:

Questions? Email

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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