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Junior Intellectual Property patch workshop with the U.S. Patent Office

GSCO blog

Earn your Intellectual Property patch and a step towards your Product Designer badge on Saturday, Dec. 2, 2017! The Intellectual Property Owners (IPO) Education Foundation and IPO Women in IP Committee invite Girl Scouts to join us for a morning of fun and creativity as you earn your Intellectual Property (IP) patch and a step towards your Product Designer Badge.

Through a series of hands-on activities and presentations, Girl Scout Juniors will explore the many ways in which inventors solve problems and use IP to protect their ideas and creations. Girls will also visit with volunteers from local law firms and corporations to learn how their organizations use IP to support innovation. Last year, Girl Scouts got to try inventions and visit with teams from 10 organizations that shared a variety of inventions.

The event is scheduled for Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 9 a.m. – noon at the United States Patent and Trademark Office Rocky Mountain Regional Office in downtown Denver. This event is open to only Juniors and is free thanks to the Intellectual Owners Education Foundation. Space is limited and this event could fill quickly.

Advance registration is required and limited to the first 50 Girl Scouts. Register your Girl Scout at Questions? Please contact Lori Thompson at

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