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I love my Green Hat!

Penny Roberts

Since our charter was established in September of 2018, Colorado’s Plains to Peaks Chapter #22 of the Green Hat Society (GHS) has been actively helping gather older Girl Scout alums to help carry out the national GHS motto of “Tradition,” with the focus on “Helping Troops…Helping Girls.” I joined our GHS chapter as soon as our friend, Jan Erickson, brought the organization to Colorado from her Sierra Silver Streaks chapter in Reno, Nevada.

Our GHS chapter members, including myself, feel that our successes in life, in great measure, are directly due to the skills and values learned at Girl Scout troop meetings, and at camp, doing GS activities and projects. To that end we would like to increase our membership so that we can expand our outreach.

We’ll be working toward providing activities to meet the goals of GHS by:

(1) Teaching contemporary Girl Scouts the “old” skills; knots, lashing, tenting, fire building, outdoor cooking, singing, etc.;

(2) Continuing to keep the Girl Scout oral traditions alive through ceremonies, songs, poems, pledges, graces, skits;

(3) Engendering the love and respect of the pre-technology natural world; and

(4) Supporting the ongoing values of Girl Scouts; respect for others, for one’s self and for the natural world.

Our Green Hat Society has touched girl activities most recently by supporting the Songbirds Girl Scout Choir, by participating in International Festivals, by providing training in outdoor skills at day camps and local and regional events, and by teaching songs and ceremonies, such as Scouts’ Owns and flag ceremonies when requested.

I’m looking forward to 2024, when Chapter #22 will host a national GHS event on the Front Range, with invitations going out to Girl Scout troops and Service Units to join us for activities to discover our history, culture, and outdoor opportunities for fun and adventure.

So, volunteers and alums ages 45ish and older, come join our group. Karen D’Ambrosio is the “Green Queen,” who leads us in our travels, singing and teaching to spread the word among girls and keep us all connected. There is no cost for membership, but patches, pins, uniform shirts and ties can be purchased through our founder, Bonnie Hamic, at Karen D’Ambrosio can help you join our group by contacting her at or phone 720 352 5655.

Join us - - sing along, travel, go camping, teach kids, and most of all HAVE FUN!

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