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GSCO blog

Happy Birthday Our Chalet: Activities for Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Submitted by the GSCO Global Action Committee

On Friday, July 31, Our Chalet celebrates its 88th Birthday! Girl Scouts of Colorado sends their best wishes to Our Chalet, one of the five World Centres of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.  This is going to be an exciting and fun week with five days of celebration for this birthday! Do you like it when your birthday celebrations spread out over more than one day? If so, watch the GSCO Blog each day so you can celebrate with girls from all around the world.

Let’s learn a bit about the languages of Switzerland. There are actually four major languages for the country, but we will look at only three of them. (French, German, Italian)

                      FRENCH             GERMAN        ITALIA

Blue                  Bleu                   Blau                    Azzumo

Yellow            Jaune                 Gelb                   Giallo

White             Blanc                  Weiss                Blanca

Hello              Bonjour             Guten Tag       Salve or Ciao

Thank you  Merci                   Danke               Grazie

Can you try to use one of the languages as you make your friendship necklace today?

It is always fun to have a new Girl Scout necklace! When you wear this one, you will remember your fun visit to Our Chalet and celebrating its birthday!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.



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