Submitted by Aimee Bianca, Highest Awards Manager for Girl Scouts of Colorado
Pueblo and Southeastern Colorado
Attention all 8th grade Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors, Troop Leaders and parents in the Pueblo and Southeastern Colorado region! If you (or your girl) is thinking about going for her Gold Award, don’t miss Gold Award Training on September 19, 2015 in La Junta and September 26, 2015 in Pueblo. This is a FREE training that is mandatory for Seniors and Ambassadors, who plan to submit a Gold Award proposal within 6-12 months. Supporting adults are strongly encouraged to attend as well.
Use this link to register for September 19:
Use this link to register for September 26:
You may be asking yourself . . . What is the Gold Award? Why would I want to go for the Gold? Should I encourage the girls in my troop to go Gold?
The Gold Award training will answer all of these questions and more! You will learn about the benefits of earning your Gold Award, the steps you must take from beginning to end, how you will work with a Gold Award mentor and get all your questions answered. Girls and adults will participate in different trainings, concurrently, which will provide valuable information to make your Gold Award experience successful.
You can also check out these awesome resources online:
Highest Awards Frequently Asked Questions
Gold Award Guidelines for Girl Scout Seniors and Ambassadors
GSCO Gold Award Quick Guide
Gold Award Checklist for Parents and Troop Leaders
If you have specific questions about the Gold Award email
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