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Denver Girl Scouts meet Colorado congresswoman

GSCO blog

A group of middle-school-aged Girl Scouts standing with Rep. DeGette

Troop 68352 are hosting their meetings a little differently this year. Instead of holding meetings in a classroom or library, they are looking for opportunities to learn through lived experiences, fun field trips, or interesting events.

This month, the Cadettes had the opportunity to meet with Rep. Diana DeGette, the U.S. representative for Colorado's 1st congressional district, which is based in Denver.

Rep. DeGette shaking hands with a girl in a tan sash

The Girl Scouts prepared questions for DeGette about who inspired her to become a congresswoman, gun violence in schools, and current political issues that are important to young girls today. Throughout the meeting, Congresswoman DeGette stressed the importance of making a change and voicing your opinion through voting. She encouraged the girls to vote when they are old enough and get involved in issues they are passionate about.

DeGette was a Girl Scout when she was younger and used to be a part of an honorary congressional Girl Scout troop.

Rep. DeGette sitting at the head of a table. Girl Scouts sit at the sides of the table facing her.

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