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Girl Scouts is her passion!

GSCO blog

Submitted by Lisa Svede


Metro Denver

My daughter, Lauren, in Troop 60762 did her 5th Grade Passion Project on Girl Scouts! She said Girl Scouts is a passion of hers because her grandmother was her mom’s leader, now her mom (me!) is her leader and her younger sister is now a Daisy Girl Scout.

Her topic: How does Girl Scouts teach girls to become leaders in society? She addressed her topic by focusing on these three questions:

  1. Does Girl Scouts provide girls with opportunities to practice and use leadership skills?

  2. What do Girl Scouts learn from cookie sales?

  3. How do badges and Journeys help girls learn leadership skills?

She taught many 5th grade students and their parents about the many wonderful leadership opportunities girls have in Girl Scouts and how they learn to become leaders as they advance through the levels of Girl Scouts.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

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