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Girl Scout Cadettes Snowshoe 2.7miles to Jays Hut

GSCO blog

11 cadettes from our GS troop snowshoed into Jays Hut this past weekend on top of Vail Pass and Shrine Mountain. Carrying sleeping bags, toiletries and light change of clothes, each girl snowshoes 2.7miles up to the hut. Once there we feasted on charcuterie, played competitive games of Nertz, had a charades match, and generally enjoyed each other’s company. Each girl had her own take on the adventure-our athletic 8th graders bounded up the hill while our smaller 6th graders brought up the rear. I’m proud to say there were no tears and all accomplished the task!

We prepped our girls for this big adventure by doing a day-hike to Broome Hut last year, practicing with snowshoes, and hiking the distance of 2.7miles carrying a pack. Everyone believed in themselves and the sister support of each other was strong.

We all wanted to do it together, and we did! Another adventure in the books for our troop!

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