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Girl power with Amelia Earhart!

GSCO blog

Submitted by Heather Gardner


Denver Metro

Cadette Girl Scout Troop 60675 recently hosted a Girl Empowerment event for Juniors in Broomfield. Through fun, interactive activities, the girls learned what it means to have courage, strength, inner beauty, confidence, leadership, kindness and integrity.

It was an honor to have accomplished Aviator and 9News Traffic Reporter, Amelia Earhart, as our guest speaker. She is seen as an influential and positive role model for all ages everywhere. She spoke about her flight around the world, and shared her inspirational story relating to girl empowerment. Her biography can be seen here:

The Girl Empowerment event was shared by Amelia Earhart during the 9News morning broadcast on Wednesday, May 4, 2016.

The girls of Cadette Troop 60675 are Faith Gardner, Mika Zaharescu, Faith Bochert, Sam Fleming, Madison Enney, Haley Vasey and Kayla MacTavish. They had a wonderful time hosting this event and hope the Juniors were encouraged and inspired. It is important that Girl Scouts continue to build girls of courage, confidence and character, and our Troop would like to continue to grow and provide value to the community around us.

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