Submitted by Kristin Coulter
Metro Denver
Most crimes are committed by males, Denver Police Department Officer Sharon Avendaño, explained last week to Park Hill 8th and 9th grade Senior Girl Scouts. And while the Denver Police Department is only approximately 10% female, women are an important to the force. She told the girls that female police officers, just by virtue of being female, often have greater power to defuse potentially volatile situations between the police and citizens. In her experience, when testosterone levels are extremely high, intense situations can quickly deteriorate. However when a female police officer is involved, often a citizen’s anger can be diffused and you can hear a few “yes mam’s.” In fact this Denver native and former Girl Scout Brownie has been on the force for 20 years and has never had to use her gun or a Taser.
Girl Scout Troop 3573 invited, District 2 Community Resource Officer Avendaño to their troop meeting October 13th to learn about law enforcement in general and as a potential career. The teenage scouts also learned about the Cadet Program. The Cadet Program allows high school graduates interested in a career in public safety (police officer, firefighter or deputy sheriff) a part-time job and tuition at either Metro State University of Denver or the University of Colorado Denver. After a lively chat about her adventures on the force Officer Avendaño told the girls to study hard in school so that all career options are open to them.
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