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Free weather activity for Girl Scouts ages 11 and up

GSCO blog

A message from Margot Gordon Iwanchuk

Some of you may know of me as the great-great niece of Juliette Gordon Low and volunteer with GSCO. Often, I write blogs representing the Girl Scouts of Colorado History Center located in Loveland. But today I am writing to you as a retired meteorologist to let you know about a great, FREE weather activity for girls ages 11 and older.

On Jan. 8 from 7 a.m.-noon the American Meteorological Society (AMS), is offering a FREE STEM-related program for Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, discussing weather and climate science, disaster preparedness and safety, and emergency management. You will be led but professionals in Emergency Management, National Weather Service (NWS) employees and local meteorologists (some you may know as forecasters on TV here!)

Come and learn about the weather phenomena that affects our local area and the knowledge to prepare for weather-related emergencies. Girl Scouts can apply the concepts learned towards various STEM-related badges. Girl Scout Seniors will also learn concepts that can be used towards the Sky Badge. Participants will also earn the Weather-Ready Nation patch.

Hope to see you there and I know that my Aunt Daisy (Juliette Low’s family nickname) would totally approve of this activity! “Be Prepared!

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