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Free nutrition presentations for all Girl Scouts

GSCO blog

Metro Denver


Natural Grocers was built on five founding principles, the first being nutrition education. Because of our commitment to this each Natural Grocers location has a highly trained and educated Nutritional Health Coach. Our Nutritional Health Coaches help to empower local communities to take charge of their own health through healthy habits and nutrition. We are always looking for opportunities to teach others how gratifying and fun it can be to adopt a healthier lifestyle. With several classes to choose from, you are likely to find a class that looks exciting and even meets badge requirements! Some examples of classes include:

Kids Class- Nutrition 4 the Win: Discover how the food you eat feeds your muscles, heart, bones, and brain. Build a better plate with tasty treats and fun activities! Parents/caregivers—please stay and play. We can all win when it comes to nutrition!

Building Meals for Superhero Health Nutrition Education: Learn basic principles of meal planning to help remove the kryptonite from your diet and help you experience the POW!

Can Your Food Choices Save The Planet?: How can one person influence change in the face of such a problem? Farmers who raise animals on managed pasture provide a beacon of hope and a way in which your food choices can save the planet!

Call your local Natural Grocers to speak with a Nutritional Health Coach to schedule an event. We kindly ask for classes to have 12 or more participants.

Find your local Natural Grocers:

Rachel is a Nutritional Health Coach at Natural Grocers and is passionate about teaching the community about wellness and nutrition. She has worked with Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes to help them earn a Healthy Living badge. The South Broadway Natural Grocers store has a beautiful demonstration kitchen where Scouts and parents can come for an interactive nutrition lesson, followed by healthy snacks. Please contact Rachel to schedule a free private class for your troop at or 303-733-3033.

This story was submitted using the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments, too.

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