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Four badges Ambassadors can earn during the Girl Scout Cookie Program

GSCO blog

As a Girl Scout Ambassador (grades 11–12) taking part in the Girl Scout Cookie Program, you’re helping lead the largest entrepreneurial program for girls in the world. You’re learning essential life skills, setting (and crushing!) impressive goals, and using your cookie earnings to go on epic adventures and make the world a better place!

Many of these incredible skills and accomplishments start with a Girl Scout badge—and we’re about to explore all of the badges Ambassadors can earn during cookie season.

By earning the On My Own badge, you’ll learn how to avoid financial pitfalls while exercising independence as you achieve your dreams. This badge takes budget planning to the next level—from setting yourself up for your future dream home (and learning the importance of location, location, location) to your retirement years (seriously!). You’ll budget for daily needs and fun adventures like traveling or hobbies, and even prepare for unexpected expenses—because you never know when you’ll need to fix something in a flash. And because Girl Scouts know how to give back, you’ll learn about ways to set funds aside for those in need. Earn this badge.

There will be a time, or times, in your life when you’ll have to borrow money, whether through a credit card or a loan. With the Good Credit badge, you’ll learn how to keep good credit (a report card of your financial history), borrow money successfully, and pay back what you owe on time. There are many ways you can borrow money, and this badge will help you tell the difference between each and determine what works best for you! Earn this badge. 

Through the Research & Development badge, you’ll learn how businesses invest in researching and refining new ideas and bringing them to market—then you’ll apply your newfound knowledge to your own cookie business! First, you’ll take a step back to see how well your cookie business is doing and if you notice any sales trends you can tap into. For example, are you getting more sales going door-to-door or through your Digital Cookie platform? If one outweighs the other, you can decide if you want to redirect your time and efforts. You’ll get inspired by companies you like and explore how they change things up for their customers. Earn this badge. 

The P&L badge is all about practicing good business ethics by looking at both the business P&L (profit and loss) and the Girl Scout P&L (Promise and Law). Business ethics are very important for business owners, because they reflect everything your company is about, including how it treats its employees and even the environment. Not to mention good business ethics = the Girl Scout way! With this badge, you’ll create your own Cookie Promise to ensure you provide your customers (and fellow troop members) with high-quality service and products. Then you’ll share your cookie legacy with others, especially younger Girl Scouts. (You are sisters, after all!) You can teach them about being a great cookie boss as you share your skills—and, most importantly, you can help them build the courage, confidence, and character to be just like  you! Earn this badge.

Have you earned one of these awesome badges but don’t know where to place it on your vest or sash? Our new visual guide to Girl Scout Ambassador uniforms can help!

And this cookie season, put your new skills to the test by entering Girl Scout Cookie Pro Contest 2018! Six winners—one per grade level—will be selected to win a trip to New York City for the ultimate Cookie Entrepreneur Experience and a spot on the iconic Girl Scout Cookie box! WHOA. Enter today.

Check out the other badges Girl Scouts can earn during cookie season by grade level:

Daisy Brownies | Cadettes | Juniors Seniors | Ambassadors

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