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Evergreen girl saves duck during Silver Award project

Submitted by Ania LaDow

Evergreen, Colorado

Mountain Communities

The most rewarding and most memorable aspect of my Silver Award project was saving a wild duck that was tangled up in a fishing line. My dad and I were walking on a trail around Buchanan ponds picking up litter and trash. We heard water splashing around and a few quacks. As my dad and I got closer, we noticed there was a duck stuck in fishing line. The thin and barley visible line was tied around the duck’s neck and the duck couldn’t get it off. Its feet were also tied up and the duck couldn’t escape. The duck was so desperate for help that it didn’t even squirm when my dad picked him up to untie the strings. My dad got into the water and untangled the line around both its neck and feet.

After the duck swam off, I removed the string from the water to prevent this from happening again. This was a very successful and rewarding time in my project because it showed why I am doing my project. Though it was very sad to see that duck stuck and in pain, I am glad I saw this because I saw the direct impact of my project in helping animals and the environment.

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