Summer is the perfect time to get outdoors safely while social distancing! While you’re at it, join the Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Challenge. You’ll enjoy nature, channel your creativity, learn fun new things, and EARN A COOL PATCH. If you are unable to complete an activity due to social distancing guidelines, you can find an alternative. Take a virtual tour of a park online, gaze out of a window, or look through family photos of outdoor adventures. Drawing a picture works too!
Here’s how to get started:
Check out the activities. Learn more about the Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Challenge patch here:
Nominate someone. We may be distanced, but we’re certainly not distant! This challenge is a great way to connect with your fellow Girl Scout sisters and invite your non-Girl Scout besties to join in the fun! Nominate someone to take the challenge with you.
Be prepared. As Girl Scouts, we know the importance of being prepared! If you’re venturing to a local park or hiking trail, first make sure they’re open. Pack sunscreen, bug repellant, snacks, protective gear (sunglasses, hat), and water!
Get your patch. Remember, you don’t have to do all 51 suggested activities to earn your snazzy new patch! Complete the required number of activities based on your grade level.
Don’t rush! The Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Challenge doesn’t end until Girl Scouts Love State Parks Weekend, September 12–13, 2020. This means you have plenty of time to select the activities you’re most interested in and complete them at your own pace.
As you earn this patch, be sure to share your photos and videos with GSCO on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and here on the blog. Twitter and Instagram users should also use #GSColo and #gsoutdoors.
The Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Challenge is possible thanks to Johnson & Johnson. Johnson & Johnson has been championing women and giving them the tools, resources, and opportunities to succeed at work and at home since its founding more than 130 years ago. Johnson & Johnson’s generous support of the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors prepares girls to experiment, explore their environment, and push boundaries in healthy ways, all while learning how they can improve the world through STEM.
Head to the GSCO website to find more links to practice your outdoor skills, work on outdoor badges, get outside with your family, and spend time in the great outdoors this summer.
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.