Saturday, January 12, 2019
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
11000 Westmoor Cir
Westminster, CO 80021
Girl Scout Juniors are invited to work with cybersecurity experts at Coalfire to earn their “Cybersecurity 1: Basics” badge! The “Cybersecurity 1: Basics” badge will be provided at the event.
Girl Scouts: $5
Adults: FREE
Register online: https://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/content/girlscoutsofcolorado/en/events-repository/2019/cybersecurity_1_basi.html
Girls will learn:
How computers read information
How networks work
What protocols are
How computers communicate
What malware is
Breakfast and snacks will be provided. We encourage participants to plan for a late lunch on their own after the session is over.
This is not a drop off event. Adult-to-girl ratios for events must be met. Girls attending with a troop leader should bring a completed parent permission form for a Girl Scout activity that troop leaders will retain for their records.
Registration ends: Tuesday, January 8
Questions? Email aimee.artzer@gscolorado.org