Submitted by Girl Scouts of Colorado Global Action Team
World Thinking Day will be here before we know it. But, you may ask, what is World Thinking Day and why is this special day celebrated in Girl Scouting?
The Girl Scouts of Colorado Global Action Team is featuring a series of blogs during the next few weeks leading up to World Thinking Day. Each blog will provide answers to these questions and many other aspects of World Thinking Day, as well as provide activities and resources to further investigate information about ways to celebrate this special day.
Preview some of the ideas and activities by viewing the Countdown To World Thinking Day document as also found on the Girl Scouts of Colorado website in the Global section of Anytime Activities.
Let’s get started with the first in the series….
What is World Thinking Day?
To answer this question, one needs to know a little about the history of World Thinking Day, formerly know as just Thinking Day.
First: In 1926, Girl Guide and Girl Scout delegates from around the globe met in the United States for the 4th World Conference. They agreed that there should be a special annual day when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world think of each other in terms of love and friendship. The Conference chose the date of February 22 since it is the joint birthday of both Lord Robert Baden-Powell and his wife Lady Olave Baden-Powell, the World Chief Guide. Both had spent so much of their time in organizing and carrying out what has become the World Association Girl Guide and Girl Scouts.
Second: in Poland in 1932 at the 7th World Conference, a Belgian Girl Guide suggested that a birthday usually involved gifts. At this conference, the World Thinking Day Fund was founded. Since then, member organizations have sent donations to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) to support activities that help girls expand their horizons, raise their voices, and experience life changing challenges.
Third: In 1999, at the 30th World Conference, held in Ireland, the name was changed from “Thinking Day” to “World Thinking Day”, in order to emphasize the global aspect of this special day.
The day is about more than just thinking, it is the perfect opportunity for girls and adults to think big; to learn about the similarities, differences, and even the issues facing the nearly 10 million sisters they have in the 150 countries.
The Importance of World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day is a time when Girl Guides and Girl Scouts can honor its mighty global sisterhood. It is a time to explore the issues they are facing, connect with them, and take action to make a better world.
As Lady Olave Baden Powell said in one of her Thinking Day address:
“Though you cannot visit sister Guides in France or Finland, in Austria or Australia, in Italy or Iceland, Canada or Chile, Ghana or Guatemala, U.S.A. or U.A.R., you can reach out to them there in your MIND. And in this unseen, spiritual way you can give them your uplifting sympathy and friendship. Thus do we Guides, of all kinds and of all ages and of all nations, go with the highest and the best towards the spreading of true peace and goodwill on earth.”
There are a lot of ways to learn about the importance of World Thinking Day to fulfill Lady Baden-Powell’s wish.
Perhaps, you would like to know more about Girl Guides in a particular country and begin to learn about the badges they earn, or if they have the same Promise and Law.
Perhaps, you are interested in earning an award relating to World Thinking Day. Each year Girl Scouts of the USA develops activities for an award based on the topic WAGGGS selects for Thinking Day. This year the topic is “peacebuilding,” a topic of a future blog.
Perhaps, you already know about World Thinking Day and want to share your knowledge with others by planning a special ceremony celebrating the day to be attended by others.
Please remember February 22 is the special day to celebrate World Thinking Day, but that doesn’t mean that it is the only day to think about issues that your sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts have before them. The Global Action Team is providing this series of blogs to help you expand your knowledge of our world-wide movement and your nearly 10 million sister.
As stated on the GSUSA website:
“… the real story behind World Thinking Day. We must join with our sisters in 150 countries to affect change on a global level.”
In celebration of World Thinking Day, on February 22 from 5- 6 p.m., Girl Scouts of all ages are invited to attend a special Girl Scouts of Colorado “Meet the Expert” zoom session with a Girl Guide from Bangladesh. Our guest will tell girls all about life in Bangladesh, what she does as a Girl Guide, and then answer questions from Girl Scout. Register here:
Participants have the opportunity to submit questions at the time of registration for the event for our guest to answer. Registration closes February 18.
What’s to Come
Blogs featuring additional topics from “Countdown to World Thinking Day,” including information on the 2021 World Thinking Day theme, World Centers, Juliette Low World Friendship Fund, and more.
If you have questions, feel free to contact the Global Action Team at
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.