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Coronado Girl Scouts win national Junior Citizen Award

GSCO blog


Submitted by Shoshana Nash Coronado Elementary School – Littleton

You covered this awhile back on Facebook, but FYI… the project was chosen and submitted it for a Junior Citizen award and we won local, then state, and then national. Go Girl Scouts!

Despite the article, the win is definitely NOT only Troop 4451’s, it is the win of every Girl Scout and Girl Scout Leader at Coronado Elementary who made this event possible… without their support it wouldn’t have happened! Troop 4451 conceived and hosted, but over 70 girls and many leaders attended and donated to the cause!

For us, the best part was the end result. Troop 4451 shipped 600 flags overseas to deserving men and women. It was so great showing the girls that women can be strong and DO something. The servicewomen who joined us were nothing short of inspiring and having financial support from strong women groups, such as the ALA and DAR, further showed the Girl Scouts that strength. Finally, seeing all the different ages of Girl Scouts in one place, so many leaders, and supporters of Girl Scouts helps to make what we do at every meeting so much more amazing and enriches the experience. The girls know that they can continue on and they aren’t alone or uncool. The servicewomen were past Girl Scouts and the girls had stars in their eyes. But the end result was not empowering our group of girls, it was the work they did… it was significant, worthwhile, notable, and unexpected. Now, we hope they walk through their Girl Scout career trying to think of ways of making the world a better place in a large, tangible way.

We are thankful that it shines light on the good that Girl Scouts and the Coronado community are doing! We are also very thankful for the support of the school, the many Girl Scouts and leaders, and the ALA and DAR.

This story was submitted via the Share Your Stories form. You can share your Girl Scout moments too.

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