Written by Penny Roberts of Estes Park and AnneMarie Harper, Girl Scouts of Colorado Public Relations Director
2017 marks 100 years of Girl Scouting in Colorado and one of the many ways you can celebrate is by getting a special Girl Scout license plate! It was created in 2012 by a Promise Partners alumnae task force as part of the 100th Anniversary celebration of Girl Scouts of the USA. It has since been available for purchase by anyone who wishes to celebrate and publicize the legacy and continuing efforts of the Girl Scouts of Colorado.
The cost is $50 above the regular license plate fees and the plate can be registered to any type of vehicle, including motorcycles.
Sadly, the Colorado Department of Revenue reports just more than 200 sets of these license plates have been purchased. And since we got more than 3,000 signatures to take our petition to the State Legislature, we hope lots more of you will join us and purchase and display these plates proudly. Even Dad’s Plumbing Co. can put Girl Scout plates on his entire fleet of vehicles!
Request Girl Scout plates at your County Clerk’s office, and they will be shipped directly to you from the State in just a few days. Put them on your motorhome, scooter, new car, or vintage classic.
We promise to wave at you when we see you go by with your new Colorado Girl Scout license plates!