To compliment our Coding for Good badge series, we will be giving Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors access to Vidcode, a coding platform for teens and tweens for the month of June 2020. Vidcode uses activities such as creating personalized memes or game avatars to teach girls how to code. Extra bonus- Vidcode was founded by female engineers!
Once in Vidcode, girls will have access to lots of fun activities, but we have outlined which of these activities will help them complete requirements for the Coding for Good badges.
Cadette Coding Basics: Video Meme
Cadette Digital Game Design: Avatar
Cadette App Development: Personal Data
Senior Coding Basics: Portraits
Senior Digital Game Design: Game Mechanic
Senior App Development: Community Map App
Ambassador Coding Basics: Karaoke
Ambassador Digital Game Design: Jumping!
Ambassador App Development: Global App
To participate on Vidcode for free, girls must first register to receive an access code. Girls and caregivers will also receive a “how to” navigate the site. Please note that these activities do require a reliable internet connection.
Looking for a coding event for Girl Scout Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors? Check out our post on how to register your girl for our codeSpark Academy, a learn-to-code app, coding events.
Question? Email
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.