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Cadettes and Poetry – SNAZZY!

GSCO blog

Submitted by Nancy Mucklow

Mountain Communities

Steamboat Springs

Cadette Troop 54538 explored poetry as part of the Outdoor Art Apprentice badge. At our virtual meeting, we each shared a haiku poem that we wrote with inspiration from nature. (Such risk-takers – sometimes it’s hard to share your creations/writing with others!) We moved from haiku to creating a kind of cumulative poem together.

The form of this poem is called Exquisite Corpse. (Innovators because we adapted this to a virtual meeting format – we are realizing that so many things are easier when you can be in the same room with someone!)

There were no rules, just some guidelines to get us going and get inspired. Since the badge is Outdoor Art Apprentice, we started where we each had one line relating to nature. Line Two had a flower reference. Line Three was a line where a sound appeared and we finished with Line Four where we wrote something that made us think differently about our flower line or something that makes our flower line change or become untrue.

Here’s our poem. We titled it SNAZZY!

Time in the sunshine is grand. There is a chill outside. The cold is bitter to me. Winter is when I thrive. Springtime is my favorite season.

Tulips, Tulips everywhere! Roses in vases Roses blooming outside The pedals are red. Columbines popping up everywhere!

The buzzing of the bees fly through the air. Birds chirping in the brisk air. Tweet Tweet skitter the birds Waves waving in the water. The wind whooshes around.

Snow, don’t garnish the red tulips! Thrones and Roses I can feel the pokes as I pick the roses Seasons changing, changing when they bloom like stars in the sky!

~Catherine, Elizabeth, Jacey, Tayla

As go-getters and innovators, we thought some families might like to do a family poem. If you want, you can follow some of our guidelines and ideas!

Family poem idea:  Write a line on a piece of paper and pass it around for everyone to add on. Line one is spontaneous, whatever you want. Be inspired by the person before you.

Line Two refers to fun things outdoors.

Line Three refers to flowers.

Line Four refers to your favorite food.

Line Five refers to something about nature.

Line Six makes you think positive about camping!

Share your fun creation with others to brighten their day!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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