Submitted by Maria Cross
Northern & Northeastern CO
Camping, Journeys, and Girl Scout sisters~ Oh My! Join Ambassador Troop 78527 for a fun-filled overnight camp as you earn your “Think Like An Engineer” Journey!
Who: Girl Scout Brownie troops or Juliettes with adult chaperone
Dates: Friday, January 24 to Saturday, January 25, 2020
When: Arrive at 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Friday, Depart at 2 p.m. Saturday
Where: Tomahawk Ranch Girl Scout Camp near Bailey– enjoy heated cabins with bunk beds and bathrooms
During this Journey camp, Brownies will have a blast finding out how engineers use “design” thinking to solve problems. The Ambassadors will guide them in three “design” thinking activities to explore hands-on what it is like to think like an engineer. You will also receive materials for your group to work on a design project to help others. Your girls can take their design project with them to share with their community for their Take Action Project to complete their Journey.
Cost: $70 per girl, $40 per adult- price does not include Journey patches. Girls must attend with adult. Adults above safety-wise ratios pay girl rate.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, January 7
Register/pay online:
Email with questions.
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