Ever since the first Girl Scout troop was formed more than 100 years ago, Girl Scouts has provided girls with transformative experiences. Because of Girl Scouts, millions of G.I.R.L.s (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ have been prepared for a lifetime of leadership—from hiking under the stars to accepting a mission to the International Space Station; from lobbying the city council with their troop to holding a seat in Congress; from running their own cookie business to tackling cybersecurity.
Our girls are big thinkers, groundbreakers, and role models with access to plenty of unique girl-led experiences—yes, because of Girl Scouts.
We want to know what Girl Scouts has done for you! Share your story on social media using #becauseofGirlScouts—and be sure to tag @GSColo and @girlscouts on Instagram and Twitter!