Submitted by GSCO Membership Connection Committee (MCC)
Calling all Girl Scout Volunteers!
This year’s annual Leadership Summits are going virtual. We have some great training sessions lined up that include Clique-Proofing Your Troop, Virtual Troop Meetings 101 (which will provide tips on running virtual meetings), and Virtual Ceremonies and Traditions to name a few. Girl Scouts of Colorado’s Membership Connection Committee (MCC) will also be hosting a virtual roundtable.
Join the Membership Connection Committee to learn more about maintaining the membership voice in Girl Scouts of Colorado. MCC members will be joined by other Girl Scout leaders to host “How to Lead Today – You are Not Alone!” Ideas will be shared on how troops are meeting despite the unique circumstances to help answer your questions and motivate each other. Part of the roundtable discussion will include what has worked and what hasn’t. A sampling of the panel will include leaders that represent the following backgrounds:
Younger girl troop
Older girl troop
Multi-Level troop
Newer troop leader
Leader of troop that has earned a highest award during the pandemic
Together, we will brainstorm tips on keeping leaders and girls engaged and successful. Join us at one of the Leadership Summits. Dates are September 10 at 7 p.m., or September 19, September 26, and November 7 at 10:30 a.m. Attendees are asked to register online at and there is no cost to participate.
Learn more about MCC, have your voice heard, and engage with other volunteers across the state to brainstorm!
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.