Gold Award Girl Scout: Daisy Deane, Littleton, “Mason Bee houses”
Troop 2624 at My Own 2 Hands makerspace
Cadette troop visits Lockheed Martin CHIL Lab
Brownie Troop 67474 helps unload more than 2,000 pumpkins
Street Smarts Day
Elitch Gardens patch contest winner
Volunteer Spotlight: Laurie Stragand
Silver Award presentation
Best Cookie Dad contest: Why my Cookie Dad is the best
Best Cookie Dad contest: My dad is a cookie rockstar
BeHerd: Equine-assisted activities program
Girl Scouts perform in The Nutcracker
Girl Scout Gold Award Project: Emma Parkhurst, Centennial, “Serving students and families in n
Wizarding weekend at Tomahawk Ranch
Silver Award with Shiloh House
Troop 61447 is collecting NEW socks for children
Hometown Hero cookies delivered to Flight For Life CO
Get to know the Gold Award
Explore quilting with CQC
Girl Scout Gold Award Project: Kelsey Harry, Littleton, “Operation Eagle”