Junior “aMuse!” Journey
Brownie Fun Day (Journey in a Day)
Learn more about the NEW badges and Journeys in the Volunteer Toolkit
Change the world with 42 NEW Girl Scout badges
Girl Scout Brownies want you to save water for pupfish
Troop 2255 works towards Gold Award
Complete the “Brownie Quest” or “Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden” Journey
Daisy Petals and Journeys at the fire station
Junior “aMuse” Journey
Multi-level Troop 65659 uses computational thinking to help oceans
Twisted Pine cookbook project
Girl Scout Day at CSU Environmental Learning Center
Juniors: Earn your “aMuse” Journey at Tomahawk Ranch
Girl Scouts introduces 30 new badges to power girl leadership
Parker Girl Scouts win $500 from Yoplait
Complete the “Brownie Quest” Journey
Test the new older girl STEM Journey
Complete the “Brownie Quest” Journey
23 New STEM and Outdoor badges enrich Girl Scout Programming: Join the fun today!
Why Girl Scouts, Why Now